Reasons to Loan with Us

Accessing your savings account is easy and convenient with our wide network of 1300+ branches and 24x7 ATMs across the country. Your savings account is always at your fingertips with our best in class net banking feature, SMS banking and our award winning mobile banking app for all your online transactions.

  • Grow Your Score

    Hey!! Are you new to Loan world? We will help you to get quick loan with in 30 min bank transfer

  • Top Loans & Credit Cards

    We can help you to reduce your EMI’s by getting you the most suitable loans

  • Credit Reputation Building

    We can help you to fix your past credit issues, improve your credit score

  • Get Instant Loan

    Yes Now You can get instant loan on our EzeeRupee as frequently as you want and get monthly updates

Why Loanlogger

Your credit score is a number that reflects your financial history. INDIA'S FIRST LOAN DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LoanLoggers is India's leading financial services marketplace. We have over 29+ years of experience, partnership with 90+ reputed financial institutions, a wide product range and a promise to get you the best deal. Our services come at no cost to you.

Our Services

Loanlogger intends to change the way credit is delivered in India by harnessing the power of technology and digital platform. Our unique model is built on the premise that when information is transparently made available to both borrowers and lenders, decision making is simple and noise free.

Credit Card

There are varied opinions on the usage of credit cards. Some may approve of its ease of convenience and some may disapprove, assuming it may add up more debt.

Personal Loan

A personal loan is a loan taken by an individual to fund any personal expense like, for example, a wedding, to make renovations to the home or even for a vacation.

Home Loan

Home loans can be used for a brand-new home, or to renovate your ancestral property or even to build an extra room. Lack of capital doesn’t have to stop you from achieving your dreams.

Business Loan

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Gold Loan

Gold loans are good options if you are in need of immediate personal expenses and want to pay it back over a short period of time. Quickest loans to be sanctioned and minimum documentation required.

Credit Card

There are varied opinions on the usage of credit cards. Some may approve of its ease of convenience and some may disapprove, assuming it may add up more debt. Whatsoever may be the opinion, it is undeniable that a credit card is one of the best financial companions that helps in various financial emergencies when you could not get funds from anywhere..